Klaus Advanced Computing Building

266 Ferst Drive
Atlanta, Ga

Klaus Advanced Computing Building

Grön byggnadCykelzonFotgängarzonEko-design/hållbar planering


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The building has 414,000 square feet (38,500 m2) of space and more than 70 laboratories.[2][15] There is a three-story parking deck beneath the facility that holds 534 vehicles in order to minimize the number of surface lots on campus, and an open pathway through the center of the building that facilitates pedestrian traffic that would otherwise go around the building.[3]

It has been cited as environmentally friendly, and earned the United States Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold Certification. Several of those features include extensive green space (over 50 percent of the 6-acre (24,000 m2) site), a storm water collection system that provides water for irrigation, energy efficient heating and cooling systems, waterless urinals, and extensive use of recyclables


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