Trailhead for Heritage Walk

401 Light St
MD 21202

Trailhead for Heritage Walk

Historisk plats


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The story of Baltimore is an American story, at the center of pivotal conflicts, movements for freedom, and the rise of a national identity. As a port city and a gateway to the continent for millions of Americans, Baltimore provided a starting point for the nation.

Baltimore’s Star-Spangled Trails chart a course through America’s heritage. Explore this system of guided and self-guided walking, biking, and driving routes to encounter inspiring stories of our nation’s heritage, set in the unique landscape of the Chesapeake’s largest city. Learn more about the trails by picking up trail brochures at the Inner Harbor Visitor Center.

This particular location represents the trailhead for the Heritage Walk, a 3.2 mile walking trail in which visitors can discover four centuries of American history in and around the Inner Harbor. Follow trail markers and signs connecting 20 cultural heritage sites and museums, including Little Italy, the largest museum of African American heritage on the East Coast, and the nation's largest regional Jewish museum.

(410) 878-6411


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