Livlig platsGrön byggnad


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This building is a LEED GOLD Certified Building (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).
“When Possible, this building uses materials, systems and processes in its construction and daily operation that use less of our precious resources and have less of a negative impact on our environment."
It has also been proven to enhance students' academic performance due to the natural lighting, fresh air, absence of unhealthy building materials, and the enriching environment.

Featured in the Arts Building are the Art Gallery, the Black Box Theater and a multitude of Studios for students.

The following are some of its unique sustainable qualities of the building:
→Low-emitting materials used
→Carpet installed consists of pre-consumer recycled content
→Recycling – many convenient recycling opportunities for building occupants; a significant portion of the solid waste stream can be diverted from landfills.
→Water Efficiency
→Energy Efficiency
→Natural Resources
→Minimizing Lights trespass
→Paving material is made with a highly reflective solar material.
→Arts roof top is made from a highly reflective material which helps this building be more energy efficient. It also helps aid in our fight against global Warming by better reflecting solar radiation.
→Composite wood and agrifiber products used contain no added Urea Formaldehyde.
→The wood-based materials and products are certified in Forest Stewardship Council’s principles and criteria.
→Adhesive and Sealants used comply with the South Coast Air Quality Management District and the Green Seal Standard for Commercial Adhesives.

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