Unit 201, Old Castle Brewery building, 6 Beach road
Woodstock, Cape Town


Viktig organisation/byråGrön verksamhetAnsvarstagande företagViktig organisation/förening


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Heart is a Section 21 Company (non-profit organisation) with a vision to “Together, transform quality of life by creating, incubating and establishing social enterprises that work long term.”

Essentially Heart aims to tackle social and environmental problems by mobilising NGOs, corporations and charitable organisations to produce sustainable development projects. Where NGOs are forever struggling to raise funds to fight social problems with hand-outs, Heart aims to set up self-sustaining projects to tackle these issues.

In 2009, we received the first emerging social entrepreneur of the year award by SASE (Southern African Social Entrepreneurs), in recognition of our work incubating social enterprises.

Our name, Heart says a lot about us. It embodies our consciousness, passion and compassion to transform quality of life for the better. We're about tapping into the bigness and openness of our hearts, and hearts around the world. Add to this our enterprising approach, which sets us apart. We're business-like in a sector that usually isn't.

It is our vision and vocation to bring about social transformation by creating sustainable social enterprises i.e. market-based solutions to social problems. We are the nexus between social entrepreneurs needing capital and support to develop their social enterprises, and social investors seeking financial and social returns.

We need to find sustainable solutions to the social and environmental challenges that are escalating at alarming rates in South Africa and globally. Social enterprise is proving to be the answer.

* We provide social investors with a suite of Blended Value Proposition Funds that offer financial and social return on investment
* We focus exclusively on projects that address social and environmental challenges facing local communities in South Africa and Africa
* Our funds typically assist at four funding stages in social enterprise development: idea generation (originate); Start Up (Incubate); Ramp Up (activate); and Roll Out (capacitate).
* We transform good ideas into thriving social enterprises by applying our unique incubation methodology supported by training workshops.
* We provide social entrepreneurs with ongoing mentorship through direct access to a team of qualified
and experienced line management consultants in marketing, sales, finance, operations, human resources and stakeholder relations.
* We offer affordable tenancy in our hub, which gives social entrepreneurs instant access to hot desks,
internet connectivity, phone lines, business equipment and meeting rooms.
* We provide selected social entrepreneurs with funding.

Reshaping our world with heart requires us to be:
* Humanitarian: Together, we are the change we seek in the world.
* Business-like: We're business-like in a sector that usually isn't, because we believe that's the way
to sustain transformation.
* Creative: We love challenging the norm - to find better, more resourceful ways of doing things.
* Energetic: We love what we do, so hard work and resilience come naturally.

Our clients
* Social entrepreneurs with inspired solutions, who can benefit from our incubation services.
* Social investors - companies, foundations, business leaders and professionals - seeking a superior
social investing experience.

Our impact
* Our head office is in Cape Town, but our social enterprises impact nationally.
* Our Blended Value Proposition Funds invest in the following categories:
- Energy & environment
- Food & organics
- Education & mission-driven media
- Health & wellness
- Community development

where are we now?
Heart is a highly productive organization with a strong sense of purpose, a carefully crafted business plan, a winning team, and a distinctive portfolio of projects that address a wide range of social and environmental challenges, including:

* Social enterprises :

- Wines with Heart

- Food Tents

- Heart Stores

- Heart Consulting

- Heart Social Investments

* Developmental projects :

- Love To Africa

- Grow South Africa

- Urban Guerrilla

- Adrenalize

* Concepts :

- Second Harvest

- Bright Green Car

Heart is currently in a capacity building cycle, which is being fuelled by social investors who wish to partner with us. The first of these partners is LGT Venture Philanthropy (part of the wealth and asset management group of the Princely House of Liechtenstein). In 2008 they selected Heart as one of 15 organisations worldwide in which to invest over the next three years.

why Heart?
* We have a heart for philanthropy and a head for business.
* Balance of creative intellect and hands-on, resourceful implementation - to achieve real impact.
* Our project management and monitoring and evaluation processes are thoroughly detailed and tight.
* We already have traction with our portfolio social enterprises.
* We've proven we're here to stay.

Heart is the nexus that brings social entrepreneurs and social investors together and keeps them together. We invite you and your organisation to partner with us, as we change lives, change organizations and change the world.

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