Observatory Train Station


Observatory Train Station

Lokaltåg/buss/personal rapid transitEkoturism/EkovandringKollektivtrafik


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The City of Cape Town, Cape Town Tourism & Metrorail have introduced the Southern Line Tourism Route.

For one fixed fee you can travel between Cape Town, Observatory, Newlands, Muizenberg, Kalk Bay and Simon's Town as many times as you like between 8am and 4h30pm.

Buy your ticket at participating stations or Cape Town Tourism's head office in Burg Street. You will recieve a map that indicates tourist attractions within walking distance of each station.

There are few experiences in the world that rival the thrill of traveling by train along a rugged coast line while inhaling the freshest sea air and soaking in the sights. The Southern Line boasts all of this coupled with convenience and ease of accessibility to major tourist attractions.
The route highlights the main attractions within a 2km radius of each of the stations mentioned.

What is the intention of the route?
- Rediscover the joys of train travel and
- Explore major attractions & discover new ones within walking distance of the stations along the route.
- Lessen motor vehicle congestion along one of Cape Town’s most traveled routes.


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