Audubon Center at Riverlands

301 Riverlands Way
West Alton
MO 63386

Audubon Center at Riverlands

Fågel- och djurskådningSpeciell livsmiljö (habitat)


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The sanctuary is managed by the Missouri Audubon Society in partnership the US Army Corps of Engineers. This sanctuary is 3,700 acres owned by the USACE and it features 1,200 acres of restored prairie and marshland.

The restored prairie, wetland forest, and side channel habitat provide necessary good habitat for resident and migrating birds. Bald eagle and arctic terns are just two of the species that are returning to the St. Louis area. The Audubon Center at Riverlands connects people with the power, beauty, and natural diversity of our nation’s greatest river – the Mississippi. The Audubon Center at Riverlands is just north of St. Louis and part of the network of national Audubon Centers. More information is at their web site:

A flagship project of the National Audubon Society and Audubon Missouri, this new Center is completing a new, green visitors center. The Audubon Center at Riverlands offers world class birding, education, and outdoor recreation along one of the most significant migratory flyways in the world – the Mississippi River. There is an environmental learning facility on site and is open to the public. This is an excellent place to watch Bald Eagles.


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