East Hill Recreation Way

Maple Avenue
NY 14850

East Hill Recreation Way

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Multi-purpose trail that runs parallel to Cascadilla Creek and up through the Cornell Plantations. Good for Hiking, Biking, roller blading, Cross country skiing. Trail system 2.2 miles. Surfaces are oil and stone, flat except for a moderate grade at Maple Avenue.
East Ithaca Recreation Way is a multipurpose, paved, commuter trail on East Hill consisting of several sections built mostly on the railroad bed of the Ithaca and Cortland Railroad (1869), later part of the Lehigh Valley Railroad and officially abandoned when Conrail was formed on 01-April-1976, although it had been out of service since Hurricane Agnes in 1972. The total length of the trail is 2.4 miles (3.9 km) and runs through Cornell-owned natural areas along Cascadilla Creek from Maple Ave. to Game Farm Road. The section south of Maple Ave. to Pine Tree Road is built on the railroad bed of the Elmira, Cortland and Northern Railroad (1875–1936)[citation needed], also a branch of the Lehigh Valley Railroad. This section was graded already in 1854 as part of the "Murdock Grade" and continues SE to Bessemer and Brooktondale; however most of this section runs through back yards and there is no plan to re-acquire it for public use. There are plans to connect this trail to the future Pew Trail in the Snyder Hill neighborhood. Many benches exist along the trail, providing rest areas for hikers and joggers.

TCAT bus routes 51, 82, 93, 92

Junction with the Vincent and Hannah Pew Trail, which connects East Ithaca Recreation Way with Tudor Park and the Snyder Hill / Eastern Heights neighborhood.


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