Area of Deposition

Area of Deposition



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An area of deposition is created due to weathering and wearing on areas of a river. This is caused by "the elements wearing away at the surface of a rock" leading to it breaking into smaller rocks or sediments (2016). A river "can lose its energy when rainfall reduces, evaporation increases, friction close to river banks and shallow areas which leads to the speed of the river reducing and therefore the energy reduces, when a river has to slow down it reduces its speed (and ability to transport material) and when a river meets the sea" (2018). Pieces breakaway from higher land that is surrounded by rivers due to the current. Sediment then begins to float down the river stream. The force and transport of the pebbles, boulders, and other sediment causes land to break off and increase into piles of the sediment, known as areas of deposition.

Bennett, A. (2018). River Processes: Erosion, transportation and deposition & Hjulström Curve. Retrieved July 07, 2019, from

Catterson, M. (2016, March 05). Weathering Erosion and Deposition. Retrieved July 07, 2019, from

Norden, W. V. (2012, July 26). River Erosion, Transport and Retrieved July 07, 2019, from

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Credit: Wendy Van Norden

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