Rosenthaler Strasse 1
BE 10119

Circus Hotel

Grön verksamhetEkotourism


Ingen har röstat än

"Dear Circus Guest,
We are looking forward to welcome you to the Circus Hotel, bringing to you 60 single and double rooms, junior suites and apartments with all facilities, ranging from EUR 80,00 - EUR 110,00 for 2 guests.

Opened October 30th, 2008, the Circus Hotel continues our tradition of a friendly welcome to Berlin, and has been designed to reflect our commitments to hospitality, individuality and sustainability. " ...

"Sustainability at The Circus – A ‘Green’ Hotel.

Here at the Circus, the concept of sustainability and running a “Green” hotel means a commitment to an ethical approach to all aspects of our business. This goes as far as the field in which we have chosen to operate – namely the low budget hostel and hotel market. The owners of The Circus – all of whom are keen travellers themselves – do not believe that in the long term it is sustainable for hotels to operate at a level where it is viewed acceptable to charge €2-300 for an overnight stay, not least when it comes to the resources required to justify such a price.

Our philosophy is to offer our guests the highest standard of service and, by removing what we believe to be unnecessary and wasteful, make an offer that not only limits the environmental impact of what we do, but allows us to keep prices reasonable."


Also in Berlin
The Circus Hostel
Weinbergsweg 1a
10119 Berlin
Phone: +49 -(0)30 - 2000 39 39

+49 -(0)30 - 2000 39 39


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