Lesedi Cultural Village

Cradle of Humankind

Lesedi Cultural Village

Traditionell livsstilScenkonst


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Lesedi African Lodge and Cultural village awaits those willing to participate in an adventure that reveals the mystical cultures and traditions of the people of Africa, steeped in tribal folklore and ancestral traditions. Our culture is the light of our nation – whoever walks here amongst our cultures at Lesedi can also see the light.
On arrival at Lesedi in the late afternoon, guests are welcomed in the traditional African way with a suitable escort to ‘their’ village. Once settled in comfortable, traditionally styled rooms, guests will then have the opportunity of discovering the many colourful and fascinating aspects of the cultures of the people of Lesedi.
New additions to the village and African Lodge, are the luxury Nguni rooms which include richly decorated double suites. These carry the same vibrant colours and energy as the other guestrooms in the village and are also unique to the Zulu tribe they represent, adding to the already numerous accommodation options.
The discovery begins at the Ndebele village where the introduction to the cultural experience precedes a multi-media presentation on the history and origins of today’s rainbow nation. This is followed by a guided tour of the other four ethnic homesteads – Zulu, Basotho, Xhosa and Pedi. As the sun sets over the African bush, guests are escorted to the Boma for traditional singing and dancing (a very participative affair!!) depicting stories that date back to the days of their ancestors.

Guests are then treated to a Pan African Buffet in the Nyama Choma Restaurant – “The Greatest African Feast”!

071 507 1447


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