Entrepreneurs for Sustainability (E4S)

540 E. 105th Street
Suite 213
OH 44108

Entrepreneurs for Sustainability (E4S)

MiljöorganisationEkoinformationMiljövårdsundervisningViktig organisation/byråEkoexpert


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E4S is a diverse network of over 7000 leaders who are putting the principles of sustainability to work for their businesses and the region. E4S Network started in 2000 with the classic entrepreneurs and has attracted the entrepreneurial thinkers, the change agents from business, government, academia and non-profit sectors of our community.

What we share is a belief that sustainability principles are drivers for new business opportunities and tools to improve our quality of life. Together we are building a sustainable regional economy in Northeast Ohio that will create prosperity and total community health.

Building a sustainable economy starts one business at a time, one project at a time. To support these projects E4S provides those who have embarked on the sustainability journey with network connections (CONNECT), and sustainability skills learning programs and resources (LEARN). E4S also provides implementation services to individual company projects and has begun to design and facilitate industry focused economic development projects (DO). Connect, Learn and Do with E4S!



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