Garden Boyz Market Garden Program, Reimagining a More Sustainable Cleveland Project

7610 Cedar Ave
OH 44103

Garden Boyz Market Garden Program, Reimagining a More Sustainable Cleveland Project

Koloniträdgårdar/KolonilotterMiljövårdsundervisningEkologisk/lokal mat


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Project team

Head: Building Healthy Communities

Partners: St. Vincent Charity Hospitals, the Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland, the Sisters of Charity Healthy System, Tri-C Metro Campus, Councilwoman Phyllis Cleveland, Arbor Park Village

Project description and goals

The project intends to expand a model urban gardening and workforce development program. Specifically, the program leverages the potential of vacant spaces to address two inner city needs: a lack of fresh food access, and a lack of sustainable work development opportunities for youth. Through effective community partnerships that link the capacities of land and people with the needs of the needy, the project’s overall aim involves designing an effective and long-lasting community change process through:

* the conducting of relevant community meeting and events,
* the developing of strategies aligning resource allocation with community values,
* and the growing of human agents of change.

Concurrent with the broader community and human capacity goals the project addresses, the project also aims to carve out both the logistics and feasibility of the Cleveland’s local food market, with best practices being formed through the actual implementation of an urban ag farm.

About ReImagining a More Sustainable Cleveland:
Re-Imagining Greater Cleveland is a pragmatic, data driven strategy for the management and reuse of vacant properties in Cleveland and Cuyahoga County. The initiative builds on the work began in the 2007 Re-Imagining a More Sustainable Cleveland study, which was led by nonprofit community development organization Neighborhood Progress, Inc. (NPI) and Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative.

For more information about ReImagining a More Sustainable Cleveland visit


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