3631 Perkins Avenue
side entrance, green awning




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ZeroLandfill™ enriches the community while providing a solution to what is considered waste.
(Interior designers and architects have expired specification samples. Artists and arts educators have material needs for artwork and classroom projects.)

Volunteers manage the program from finding space to marketing. ZeroLandfill™ activities are inspired by the behavior of the honeybee. Activities include Harvest , Cultivation, Pollination and Celebration.

Harvest: collection of expired specification samples and materials from interior designers and architects. A drop off location is ideal.

Cultivation: preparing the materials for pick up. Work includes sorting and weighing by material type, removing carpet samples from books, recycling paper from binders and stacking and restacking materials as they arrive.

Pollination: the creative community is invited to pick up materials for their use. There is joy and energy in the room as materials are discovered, projects are imagined and new connections are made.

Celebration: rewarding the volunteers. Celebrate the success of your program with volunteers, leadership, material donors and the creative community by sharing tonnage diverted from landfill, classroom projects realized and satisfaction of enriching your community.

ZeroLandfill™ is sustainability in action. (The pounds of materials diverted from the landfill is celebrated as the materials have a second life in the community. Materials are not recycled, but rather upcycled. That is, the materials are kept intact and re-used for another purpose.)


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