Zipcars Available

Zipcars Available

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Zipcar is a car sharing service that can help you save money while saving the environment. Simply join Zipcar, book a car online, get in and drive!

Imagine a world with one million fewer cars on the road. We do. Every day we are working towards a place with less dependence on personally-owned vehicles. Why? Because it matters. Less cars on the road means less congestion, less pollution, less dependence on oil, and cleaner, fresher air to breathe. Some folks don't believe it's possible for car sharing to have such a huge impact.

Fewer cars. Way Fewer.
Each and every Zipcar takes 15-20 personally-owned vehicles off the road. Multiply that by the more than 6,500 cars in our fleet and you've got a really big number.

Less and less driving.
After joining Zipcar, 90% of our members drove 5,500 miles or less per year. That adds up to more than 32 million gallons of crude oil left in the ground—or 219 gallons saved per Zipster.

Green gets even greener.
10% of the population is expected to adopt car sharing as their primary mode of transportation. Break it down and you have millions of people saving billions of gallons of gas and oil. Factor in the savings and you've got an economic revolution.

A penny saved, a community revived.
Zipcar members save more than $500 (vs. car ownership). What would you do with an extra $500 a month? Many Zipsters put it back into their communities by buying local and sustainable products.

What does it cost to drive?
There is a one-time $25 application fee, and a $50 annual fee. Depending on the car model, you can drive from $8 /hour and $77 /day (any 24-hour period) Monday through Thursday and $8 /hour and $115 /day on Friday through Sunday. Gas, insurance and 180 FREE miles are included.

Join Zipcar today!

Visit for more details.


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