Pousada Caminho do Ouro/ Viola Bistrot

Pousada Caminho do Ouro/ Viola Bistrot

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History of this location:

Pousada Caminho do Ouro has been open since 1994. In 2007, there were two new owners (Adriana & Christophe Legond) and a French restaurant, VOILÀ Bistro. The menu is modern and classic with the organic products from Cunha. The speciality is mushrooms, funghi secchi and truffes. The restaurant offers both outdoor (deck in the river) and indoor (bistrot) seating with a wide menu selection of wines, meats, fishs, home made pastas and risottos.

Adriana, the owner of this business is from Rio originally, but her husband Christophe is from Paris. They live in the pousada with a niece, Raíssa. They speak Portuguese French and a little English.

Before Paraty they had had a French restaurant and a Italian ice cream store in Salvador. One day Adriana wanted to come back to Rio because her family. The couple chose Paraty for its history, architecture and beautiful landscapes. They wanted more quality of life as well. And they have achieved this! Today they live in a house surrounded of nature, exotic birds and a pretty river.

Sustainable features:

Wines served here are from Brazil, France, South Africa, Argentina and Chile. The meats are: steaks, duck, wild boar, lamb. The trout is from Cunha, neighboring city of Paraty. The pousada hires local people and has a staff of 2 employees (gardener and cleaning lady). For the restaurant, the waiter is Adriana from Rio while the chef is her husband, Christophe Legond from Paris. Waiters are from Paraty in the high season. This romantic setting french bistro uses recycled menus and participates in the daily garbage collection service.

Adriana and Christophe hire local people and have installed energy efficient fluorescent lighting that they use at night only. They use only fans instead of air conditioning. She uses materials from the local area to create her own patchwork designs and paints with oils.

See our website:
Estrada Paraty-Cunha km 4
Ponte Branca - Paraty-RJ
Telefone: (24) 3371-6458
Celular: (24) 9961-5399


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