Ashlands Woods

Ashlands Woods

Skyddad natur


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A small woodland planted by the council in the 1970's to "Green up" the Swansea bay highway corridor. There is a mix of tree species including Willow, Poplar Rowan and some Ash.
Woodlands are important for many reasons. Probably the most important feature of woodlands for the public is a welcome break from the urbanised world around us. Woodlands have many other more ecologically important roles as well.
Woodlands give us a break from the stone-grey world that we have built up around us, they give us a peaceful respite from the world of traffic, tarmac, glass, steel and stress. As Swansea becomes even more developed and urbanised, the importance of our woodlands can not be underestimated. Luckily there are many local volunteer and youth groups who have taken an interest in protecting and maintaining these precious resources.
Thanks to these peoples efforts Swansea is a greener, healthier and altogether better place to live.
So why not find out more about your area? Why not get involved? Whether it’s finding a quiet place to walk and relax by yourself or finding a group of new friends and helping make the city a better place, Swansea’s woodlands have a lot to offer.

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