Quincy High School

52 Coddington Street
MA 02169

Quincy High School

SkolaSolenergiGrön skola Energibesparing


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Green Features Planned for the new Quincy High School

• The new Quincy High School is built on the centrally located, easily accessible existing school site near public transportation and will include racks for 86 bikes. The multi-story building has a reduced footprint. The layout is oriented to optimize access to daylight, consider prevailing winds, and maximize opportunities for on-site renewable energy. The sports fields, auditorium, gymnasium, and culinary arts restaurant are shared with the community.

• The new Quincy High School has reduced its indoor water use by 20%, has no permanent landscape irrigation, and has specified native plants and grasses.

• The building exceeds the energy code by 30% and has minimized air conditioning in classrooms spaces. High efficiency HVAC and lighting equipment have been specified. A high performance building envelope, advanced glazing systems and light colored roofing materials reduce the energy demands of the building. To ensure optimal systems performance, commissioning of mechanical and electrical systems will be completed. An Energy Management System (EMS) has been installed to monitor and trend the energy consumed, and an operations and maintenance plan has been created.

• The construction team is pursuing an aggressive 90% site waste management diversion. The design team has specified recycled content material for construction wherever feasible, as well as low emitting materials. The school will have a comprehensive recycling program.

• There are walk-off mats at all high volume entrances to trap dirt and pollutants from the exterior. Air intakes are located away from streets and potential contaminants. Access to views and classroom daylighting have been maximized. Each classroom has operable windows. Classrooms have been designed for acoustical performance. Each classroom has an adjustable thermostat for temperature control and high efficiency lights are controlled by timers as well as occupancy and daylight sensors.

• The construction team is following an Indoor Air Quality plan for all systems installations. During construction the indoor air quality will be closely monitored and materials will be protected from water damage. Because the project is phased, carpeting in occupied areas will be HEPA vacuumed on a daily basis during construction.

• The City of Quincy will create maintenance and indoor environmental management plans. The school will follow the district policy on anti-idling measures for all vehicles on school grounds.

• All new appliances will be energy star compliant and there will be no CFC-based refrigerants in the new building.

• A renewable garden has been designed for the roof of the science wing. The garden includes photovoltaics, a small wind turbine, a small solar hot water heating system, and an educational greenhouse with monitors for all renewable energy systems. This space will be integrated into the science, math, and vocational curricula.


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