Townsend Community Center

777 North 12th St.
IN 47374

Townsend Community Center

HembygdsgårdKoloniträdgårdar/KolonilotterBarnvänlig platsÄldrevänlig plats


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Hours: MONDAY - FRIDAY: 7:00 AM - 7:30 PM

*rentals and special occasions

*rentals and special occasions

The Townsend Community center supports a variety of community programs and organizations for all ages and backgrounds in order to support educational, recreational, enrichment activities for the Richmond community.

The Townsend Center was established in 1921 and has been a continuing resource for the Richmond community since then. As a not for profit they are completely self-reliant and reliant on community support. The services they offer help sustain the mental, physical, and community health of the Richmond area on a multi-generational level.

The Youth Community Garden at the Townsend Center provides fun and education to children by providing a space to spend time outside in the garden watching and helping things grow. The Youth Community Garden concentrates on education with a focus on healthy food. Prior to the formation of the garden, the space was vacant. The garden has transformed idle land into a space that is now producing food for people.
The Youth Community Garden also practices rainwater harvesting.

Phone: (765) 965-5800


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Townsend Community Center

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