Marriage of the Artistic Expression

50 Phelan Ave.
Creative Arts building
San Francisco
CA 94112

Marriage of the Artistic Expression

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Diego Rivera
22' x 75'

This is Rivera’s last work created in the U.S., the largest and most ambitious of his three murals in San Francisco and commissioned specifically for the CCSF campus. Painted in the fresco technique, whereby paint is applied to wet plaster, the mural was completed in approximately six months at Art in Action. Spanning the 15th to the 20th centuries, it describes the evolution of artistic and cultural traditions of Central and North America. Set against a backdrop of the Bay Area, the mural includes portraits of contemporary and historical figures in the arts, politics, and science—including Rivera’s patron and friend, Timothy Pflueger.

Born in Guanajuato, Mexico, Rivera studied art at the Academy of San Carlos in Mexico City and spent fourteen years in Europe. In the U.S., Rivera completed a major work at the Detroit Institute of Arts and three other works in the Bay Area. In addition to the City College mural, they include the Allegory of California at the Pacific Stock Exchange building (1930), Making of a Fresco Showing the Building of a City at San Francisco Art Institute (1931), and Mrs. Stern’s Dream, now at Stern Hall at UC Berkeley (1931). A brochure with more detailed information is available from the mural docents and from the CCSF Bookstore Annex (415 452-5210). The Diego Rivera Mural Project also maintains a website at


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