Albert Wooster at Allen Real Estate Services, Inc.

7131 Curtiss Ave
FL 34231

Albert Wooster at Allen Real Estate Services, Inc.

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Realtor Albert Wooster specializes in luxury, mid-century modern, green, and second homes market primarily in South Sarasota, the Palmer Ranch area and Siesta Key. Wooster has been awarded Sarasota Magazine’s Five Star Realtor “Best In Client Satisfaction”, Wave Magazine’s “Top 3 Area Realtors” by Reader Vote, and Natural Awakenings magazine's "Nattie Award for Favorite Green Realtor". He describes himself as" a down to Earth, not sales-ey professional who embraces diversity, treats everyone with respect and always goes the extra mile to ensure positive outcomes".

Working from his home office, he uses natural light when possible. Recent bathroom and kitchen renovations include energy and water efficient fixtures, replacing incandescent can lights with LED bulbs, and installing non-VOC emitting cabinetry for the kitchen and bathroom. Simple eco-friendly choices include using the backs of printed paper for scratch pads, recycling printer cartridges and and careful route planning to show clients homes all make a difference. Clients have also received greening your home housewarming gift baskets from Wooster, encouraging energy and water efficient practices.

Albert Wooster says he's been passionate about "Green" before it was called green. He volunteered weekends at a volunteer run recycling center in the 80s, before we all had recycle bins. He sponsors the 4th Grade Foresters program, giving local 4th graders trees to plant on Arbor Day. He has done consulting work with solar companies, and has spoken about Green to Home Builder Associations, USGBC LEED for Homes meetings, and Associations and Boards of Realtors. He was the founding chairman of the “Green Realtors Alliance of Sarasota” and with his group the “Green Real Estate Alliance” he helped kick start the “Green Realtors Alliance of Venice Area” and the “Green Realtors Alliance of Manatee”. He was asked by NAR (National Association of Realtors) to participate as a “Subject Matter Expert” on the course development panel for the “GREEN” designation course.


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