Heritage Oaks Golf & Country Club

4800 Chase Oaks Drive
FL 34241

Heritage Oaks Golf & Country Club

Grön verksamhetNaturlig sport- eller lekplatsLokalt företagEkocertifieringEkotourismEnergibesparingÅtervinning


Ingen har röstat än

Heritage Oaks is a private, gated, member-owned golf community that boasts a friendly atmosphere and a very active lifestyle in a paradise-like setting. There are several reasons why Heritage Oaks & Golf Country Club members think it is simply the best resident-owned Golf and Country Club in the Sarasota area. This private country club has everything: a full range of amenities including 18 hole championship golf course, four lighted tennis courts, 5 pools, an active fitness center and program, a popular social program and a newly renovated clubhouse and dining facilities.

Heritage Oaks looks to incorporate environmental measures throughout its entire operation. The course is a certified Audubon Sanctuary, helping to establish wildlife areas, remove invasive plants and establish buffer zones along shorelines and retention ponds. It has a beautiful setting that includes over 50 acres of wetlands and nature preserves. The greens are monitored with moisture meters to ensure and prevent over watering and they use reclaimed water on the course. Additionally, the community lakes provide reclaimed water for the 850 residents.

The club has implemented a number of energy savings measures such as: installing energy star rated equipment, a Wattmiser system for charging golf carts, high efficiency vertical air handlers/condensing units, air curtain on exterior kitchen door, and switching lighting to T-8, compact fluorescents and LED bulbs. They also are utilizing natural gas to heat the 5 pools. Heritage Oaks has an proactive recycling program for its paper, cardboard and comingled materials. They also recycle used electronics, computers and chemicals at Sarasota County's Hazardous Waste Collection facility, and encourage residents to participate in such efforts.

Heritage Oaks Golf & Country Club became a Sarasota County Green Business Partner in 2013. The Green Business Partnership (GBP) encourages environmental stewardship in the commercial sector, and recognizes businesses that make an extra effort to operate in an environmentally responsible manner. This collaborative effort includes businesses, business organizations and local governments. The GBP was initiated through a grant awarded by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to Sarasota County. For more information about the Green Business Partnership visit: www.scgov.net/greenbusiness



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