St James Restricted Zone

St James Restricted Zone

Skyddade och konstgjorda miljöerPROTECTED AREASpeciell livsmiljö (habitat)Naturlig livsmiljö (habitat) Naturlig sport- eller lekplatsKusthabitatBadplatsSoluppgång/Solnedgång


Ingen har röstat än

The Table Mountain National Park Marine Protected Area includes 956km2 of the sea and coastline around the Cape Peninsula from Moullie Point in the North to Muizenberg in the south. While fishing is allowed in the majority of the MPA - subject to Marine and Coastal Management (MCM) permits, regulations and seasons - it also includes six restricted areas with five "no take" zones within the MPA where no fishing or extractive activities are allowed, and in the sixth restricted area the Karbonkelberg , only snoek are allowed to be caught deeper than the 35m contour. St James is one of the restricted no take zones.

These restricted or no-take zones are important breeding and nursery areas for marine life and through leaving these unmolested there will ultimately be an increase in marine stock and threatened species are given a chance to regenerate.

The MPA is run by TMNP in conjunction with Marine and Coastal Management (MCM). TMNP undertakes the administrative and inshore law enforcement and educational activities while MCM is responsible for issuing permits, quotas and law enforcement.

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