Deerpark Primary Green Map

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Deerpark Primary School

Deerpark Primary Green Map

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Deerpark Primary School in Sauchie, Clackmannanshire was involved in Scotland's first Green Map, the Sauchie Green Map which mapped the "things that make life worthwhile" by the community themselves. CGMI (Clackmannanshire Green Map Initiative) are now working with the P7 class to create it's own Green Map of the school building and surrounding area. This map has been created through carrying out a green audit of the school based on 3 themes, the Healthy and Safe School, The Waste and Energy School and The Living and Growing School
From what we discovered, we worked on an action plan to improve things that were most important to us. We want to encourage the biodiversity in the Cowpark Wood that is located next to the school grounds. We want to improve the bike park at the school as well as improving the use of the green space that surrounds the school building. We are using this project to achieve our Eco School Green Flag status.


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