Advanced Details: Optional but very useful. The information you enter here (for web address, email, and telephone) will show up under the site name in the second info-window, above the tabs and details.
Web Address – http:// etc.
E-mail – Make sure you enter a valid email address and that it is appropriate to share this online. An info[at]sitename[dot]org is generally better than[at]site[dot]org.
Telephone – Same thing here, a general switchboard number is better than a personal one if possible. If a personal number is the only choice, make sure you check with the person. They may get a lot of calls.
If you want, you may check any of these boxes: Children welcome, Accessible, Appointment needed, Accessible by public transport (this information will show on the bottom left of the expanded info-window, with icons to represent each feature: Directions, which will show up under the Connections tab, and Free Entry or Entry costs)
Videos and photos: Images and links to videos will really make your site information more exciting. No image or video data is stored on the OGM; the photos and videos are embedded into the OGM from other websites.
For information on how to add pictures or videos to your site click this link in the FAQ.