Rua do Comercio, 29


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History of this location:

Sobral is an ecologically conscious company. During the 1960s, Carlos Alberto Rezende Sobral, the president and main designer of Sobral, introduced handmade leather purses, sandals with tire soles, and jewelry made from corroded metal. When Sobral discovered resin, he was motivated to use it in his work. In 1978, he developed an industry on a small farm. Art from Sobral is known and worn by people throughout the world. Sobral currently owns retail stores in Paraty, Rio de Janerio, Buzios, and France. The company franchises, distributes, and wholesales in more than 12 countries.

Sustainable features:

The Sobral Company contributes to the community with Projeto D+ da conta. Through this project, disadvantaged young people are provided with the opportunity to learn to produce costume jewelry as a trade. The Sobral Company donates all of their recycled garbage to the COOP CARMO (cooperative of selective garbage collection). The raw material that Sobral uses is polyester resin, which is a bi-product of petroleum.

The poetic objects created and manufactured by Sobral are many times imitations of ivory, turtle, wood, amber, pearl, precious stones, etc. This way Sobral helps to preserve the sources of these raw materials and reuses its industrial waste in an extremely creative way.

Type of location: Jewelery, Artist
Rue Tentente Francisco Antonio (Rua do Comercio), 05
T: (24) 3371-9303
Languages spoken: Portuguese, English, Spanish, French


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