Ill-Considered Floodplain Development

Ill-Considered Floodplain Development

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Louisiana, Missouri is one of the biggest ill-considered floodplain developments along the chosen stretch of the Mississippi River. Ill-considered flood plain developments are exactly what the title suggests; developments built close to an area which is prone to flooding. There are many towns and cities along the Mississippi River. Many of them were established in the location to gain the benefits of being close to a major river, such as a drinking water supply, a seemingly endless supply of food and wildlife, and easy access to river travel. However, these developments were ill-considered. Building so close to the river, on what are now identified as floodplains, lead to massive flooding problems over the past several decades. Louisiana, Missouri is prone to flooding, with several parts of the town being extremely close to the river. These sites are almost guaranteed to flood when the river rises to extreme levels, as in 1993 and more recently over the past few months. When researching Louisiana, I found many pictures of the town being covered in water (One is attached). While establishing a development on the floodplains of the Mississippi River can be very beneficial in some aspects, the development is at severe risk anytime the river rises above normal flood levels. Ill-considered floodplain developments are not required to be a town, but can be any development built on a floodplain, which would be negatively affected if flood waters rose substantially. Many such sites exist along the Mississippi River, and they all experience flooding much worse than they would if they had developed outside of their floodplain. Ultimately, floodplains can be very useful when utilized properly, but can also be a major detriment if ill-considered developments are built on the floodplain.


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Ill-Considered Floodplain Development

added by Hulahan18167571



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