Norwood Hills country club

Norwood Hills country club

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Norwood Golf & Country Club, located at 1 Norwood Hills Country Club drive Saint Louis, Mo 63121-1550, is a private country club that uses green golf cart technology. Rather than using gasoline to fuel the golf carts for a round, they recharge using electricity. The golf carts are electric, which might be bit slower compared to fuel-powered carts, however are much more "greener." Performance of either type of golf cart is good for hauling two golfers around a golf course. And even though both types of golf carts require light maintenance, electric carts require most of the maintenance on the batteries while the gas fueled cart require oil changes and replacement of fuel filters, air filters and spark plugs. It all depends what type of golf course it is; Norwood is fairly flat, which means that electric-powered carts are more than sufficient enough to get the golfers around while saving tons of fuels.


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