Metro Regional Transit Authority

416 Kenmore Blvd

Metro Regional Transit Authority



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METRO’s fleet totals approximately 188 active passenger revenue vehicles, 77 of which are ADA/Scat buses. The average age of the large buses is 6.9 years; and for small buses, the average age is 4.2 years. In the fall of 1999, METRO attained 100 percent accessibility for its entire fleet. All METRO buses are equipped to accommodate wheelchairs up to 30 inches by 48 inches and a combined weight of 600 pounds. (ADA minimum requirements)

Line service consists of buses traveling along predetermined routes on a set schedule. METRO’s line service consists of 37 routes (including fixed routes, Neighborhood Circulator routes, grocery bus services, and two express routes into Cleveland). Neighborhood Circulator routes focus on taking passengers around neighborhood areas and do not travel into downtown Akron. Express routes make fewer stops and focus on helping passengers reach a destination in the fastest time possible.

Fares on line service are $1.25 for adults and 50 cents for passengers over age 65 or passengers with disabilities. To pay the 50-cent fare, the passenger must show the operator a Medicare card, SCAT identification or Disability and Senior (D & S) card. For larger discounts, passengers can buy a monthly pass for general adult fare at $50.00; a D & S monthly pass at $30.00; or, a SCAT service ticket good on all services at the cost of $20.00. Fare for the North Coast Express service to Cleveland is $5.00 each way or $40.00 for a 10-ride ticket. Discounts for older adults and persons with disabilities are available.


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