Much appreciation to each of these forward-looking sponsors and supporters of this participatory global platform for community wellbeing! Contact us to find out more about sponsorships and tax-deductible contributions.

Thank you to our most recent contributors Neckermann, Dutch Yellow Pages, RePlayGround, Angelica Kitchen, and NYU Green Grants.

naturaNatura Cosmeticos As a conscientious body care company that originated in Brazil, Natura has adopted social enterprise, sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) throughout its sales network, products and relationships. Natura is supporting the Spanish and Portuguese interfaces for this website, outreach tools and promotion in seven Latin American countries, including the involvement of the Natura network.

Herb Block FoundationHerb Block Foundation The political cartoonist known as Herblock has kept his life-long battle against abuses by the powerful going strong through this foundation which helps ensure a responsible, responsive democratic government through citizen involvement. Developing Open Green Map's public participation resources is the focus of this support.
Surdna FoundationSurdna Foundation With priorities in environment, community revitalization, effective citizenry, the arts and the nonprofit sector, the Surdna Foundation is an ideal match for our ongoing Open Green Map development. Founded by John Emory Andrus in 1917, thousands of communities have benefited from the insights and generosity of this esteemed organization and its staff.
PairPair Networks Provides a carbon-neutral dedicated server and great technical support, 24/7, to Green Map System. Our global site,, our NYC site, our Spanish site and projects such as are all hosted together, thanks to pair Network's practical contribution.
Google.orgGoogle Grants Some of you found your way here thanks to the Google AdWords generously provided by Google Grants. The Google Map API contributes greatly to every map and exploration that takes place on this website, and our use of other Google resources such as Analytics, supports our work everyday.
Tele Atlas Maps in AppsTele Atlas Maps in Apps Google Maps use Tele Atlas' map data to deliver you to places familiar and exotic. As a finalist in Tele Atlas' competition for projects that use maps in applications, the prize's financial support, data and visibility at the 2008 CTIA Wireless has been a boon to the Open Green Map.
NetSquared.orgNetSquared Mashup Challenge A project of, the Open Green Map was a featured project in 2008's challenge. In addition to landing us much needed development dollars, we gained the expertise of a mentor and from the other 20 featured projects and participants at the NetSquared event in May 2008 as well as from the ongoing website and its many tools.
GlobalGiving.orgGlobal Giving Find causes to support around the world, including this community participation in sustainability tool. Our project ranked in the Top Ten in 2008's America's Giving Challenge, and is now in their green project section. You can donate directly there or though the link on the bottom line of any page on Open Green Map
CDS InternationalCDS International A nonprofit, CDS supports intercultural understanding through international exchange and professional development programs, serving 2,700 participants each year. Miikka Lammele (Finland) and Gottfried Haider (Austria) were our Open Green Map CDS interns in 2008, we look forward to welcoming other talented interns and trainees in the future.
Foundation for Sustainability and InnovationFoundation for Sustainability and Innovation seeks to foster environmental restoration, preservation and education with emphasis on projects that link rural and urban settings that cultivate creativity and replicability, such as Open Green Map.
DrupalDrupal Powerful open source content management software, Drupal drives this website and's presentation, collaboration and tool center. Thank you, Drupal community! We look forward to sharing back what we create too.
NYCNew York City Environmental Fund, Con Edison & Patagonia UWS are all supporting Green Map System's own local Green Apple Map projects in our hometown community, New York City. Now, you can explore interactive citywide and compost Open Green Maps. Coming soon, the Green Teens Open Green Map! More about this exciting youth-led work-in-progress can be found at Green Apple Map/page/greenteens Before long, youth worldwide will be invited to take part. NYC's was the original Green Map! We have created over a dozen Green Apple Maps, tours, exhibits and workshops throughout the 5 boroughs.
Anonymous Special thanks to those who support our work with confidence.
Individual Donors Find a list of the diverse people, organizations and Green Mapmakers who support all our ongoing efforts here.
Contact us to find out more about sponsorships and tax-deductible contributions. Venture philanthropists, foundations and all others who value this work, we'd love to hear from you!
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